
- The following reviews are from all members who participated within each family.



Father: It gave a new hunger for wanting to dive deeper into everything the catholic church has to offer and not just go through the motions of it all.

Mother: I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of it. The process was simple and easy yet so informative. I loved how interactive it was for an online course. We enjoyed the fact that we had an instructor every step of the way. Our instructor was very kind, respectful and resourceful. We will definitely take everything she has taught and given us with us for years to come.

Godmother: The parts we looked forward to was reading the passages and discussing our options and thoughts and later hearing your hearing your feedback because this way we can compare and see if we really did understand the passage. We took the time to get our kids involved in praying each night and before meals so they may also thank God for all He does and ignite their faith.

Godfather: In order to strengthen our own faith and help our goddaughter we plan to actively attend Sunday mass, join in prayer and read the Bible to understand the gospel. Having this it will give us more confidence to explain and share our faith to our goddaughter and encourage to continue her sacraments.



Matheny FamilyFather: I thought the course was going to be very simple and to the point and then after the first question of "what would be YOUR definition of God," I got a feeling that this course was going to be real thought provoking! The course definitely renewed my desire to become closer to God.The course had so much information to grasp that yes I intend to take classes and read more about the Catholic faith. It made me realize how important it is to go to Mass and even though I am not Catholic at this time it is important for my daughter to attend Mass and of course I will attend with her as every time we go as I learn something new. With my daughter attending religious classes for the past couple of years she has also been teaching and correcting me when I am doing something wrong, usually with a slight kick! I hope that we can get more involved in the Parish activities in the future.



Father: It was a really great class to take as we prepare for our daughters baptism. There are things we want to do better for our family and living a Christ like lifestyle is one of them.

Mother: It was wonderful to have discussions and talks with our whole family about the topics. Our favorite part was really the understanding of our role as parents and what we’re supposed to be doing.

Godmother: This is a huge responsibility and one we both don’t take lightly. The sections of reading scripture as it pertains to us becoming a godparent taught us the most.

Godfather: It was great to connect with both Phil and Debra on a Godparent level and also look at what I want to do as the baby’s godfather. It makes us excited to grow more in our faith with our own families.



Tactacan FamilyFather: This course was spot on with the information given and explained to us and also simple to follow. Finishing each section followed up with feedback and in-depth explanations to the answers for each question was great as well from the instructors.

Mother: This preparation helped immensely with strengthening my knowledge for the importance of Baptism, from how it came to be with Jesus to the impact it will have on my child's life. This course was very helpful with the feedback from our instructor as well who clarified all of our questions we may have had.

Godmother: It gave me a better understanding of the role of a Godparent, along with how I can better prepare myself for the baptism and after. This preparation definitely helped me grasp the beauty and importance of Baptism. It made me realize that it’s not just a ritual, but a way of bringing the child into something much bigger, connected to faith and family. I can see how it’s about starting a journey, not just for the child, but for everyone involved.

Godfather: I enjoyed the whole prep course, so its hard to choose which I enjoy more. But I also really did enjoy reading the passages/ parts of the bible and being able to better understand it by interpreting it to my understanding. I think the part that taught me the most was the meaning behind the symbols in Baptism, especially the roles of Priest, Prophet, and King. It showed me that Baptism is about more than just the day itself, but about the life you’re being called to live afterward.



Father: Reading the scriptures and having deep meaningful conversations brought not only each other closer but our relationship as a family with God deeper.

Mother: We thought the course was very though and helpful in preparing us for the sacrament of Baptism. The symbolism of baptism is where we thought was a great teaching moment for us.

Godmother: We understand now the true meaning of Baptism and are completely prepared for this step to become Godparents. We would say that the different scriptures within the assignments and going deeper into what they truly mean and how we can relate that our life today were the parts that taught us the most.

Godfather: I feel I learned more in this course then I did growing up in CCD class. It was a great in depth class that really was a great refresher of scripture and the true meaning behind them and Baptism.