Baptism Prep

Equipping Parents and Godparents for the Task of Raising Strong Catholic Children ™


An engaging, interactive way for parents and Godparents to prepare together for their infant child/Godchild's baptism and the life-long responsibility of passing on their Catholic faith.


  • Catholic, Simple, Effective.
  • Solid Catholic teaching of the faith from a reliable source.
  • A one of a kind opportunity for parents and godparents to grow together in their faith.
  • A convenient, low cost way for parents and godparents who already have children to prepare without having to find and book a babysitter.
  • Is available 24/7 online, worldwide.
  • An Instructor will work one-on-one with the Parents/Godparents and answer their questions.
  • There are two forms to fill out and three assignments: First form: Knowing You Better; Assignments: Genesis, The Sacrament of Baptism, The Celebration of Baptism, and The Final Feedback form (the Final Feedback for the Parents and/or the Final Feedback for the Godparents).
  • Assignments are completed one at a time and take about an hour to complete.
  • After each assignment, your instructors will post comments and the main contact will receive an email notification. (*See excluded dates below.) Comments must be viewed before moving on to the next assignment.
Two speeds
    • Standard requiring at least ten (10) business days – each assignment will be reviewed within three (3) business days of your submission. Membership lasts 3 months.
    • Urgent Care, requiring a minimum of five (5) business days – each assignment will be reviewed within 24 hours of your submission. Membership lasts 3 months.
  • Upon viewing the final comments, the certificates will be accessible to download.
  • Your instructors will email the certificate to your parish.
  • Parents Only/Godparents Only: Just fill out the answers pertaining to you and put an x or n/a for the other questions.
  • Parents and Godparents: The parents will be in charge of submitting everyone’s answers on the online form. If the godparents and parents cannot be together, share the Username/Password with the other participants. One of the goals of this course is for you to discuss the topics together by email, skype, or phone.

Gift Certificates:
Offer the gift of an engaging and interactive online Baptismal Preparation! We will email the family of your choice a discount code to allow them to register without paying. We will let them know that you are offering the course to them. Gift Certificate for Regular course and Gift Certificate for Urgent Care course.

*Note: Instructors will not work on Weekends, holidays, and Holy Days of Obligation (January 1st, August 15th, November 1st, December 8th and December 25th).

Parents and godparents preparing for the same child/children should complete only ONE registration together (profile username and password will be shared). Enter answers together from separate computer/devices. One participant will submit each assignment for everyone.

However, if parents and godparents are unable to take the course at the same time, they should purchase the course separately with separate registrations using different email addresses.

Topics covered:

Part I: Genesis: Why We Need Baptism

  • Who is God?
  • Created in His image
  • The Break of Sin
  • Sin's consequences then and now
  • Hope for salvation

Part II: The Sacrament of Baptism (CCC):

  • What is a Sacrament?
  • Why it is important to receive it
  • What is Holy Baptism?
  • Salvation History
  • The Grace of Baptism and its effects

Part III: The Celebration of Baptism Today and Every day:

  • The Rite of Baptism in detail and the meaning of its symbols
  • Faith and Baptism:
    - Strengthening the parents' faith: commitment to Mass and prayer
    - Godparents' role
    - How to nurture the child's faith at home
    - The liturgical year with the Universal Church
    - Resources